Hey Fat Roland! S01E02


I was in an episode of Hey Fat Roland!, a new podcast by Manchester spoken-word legend and all around funny-man Fat Roland! It has absolutely outraged Nicholas Royle, Man-Booker prize longlisted Wyl Menmuir, host of VerboseMCR Sarah-Clare Conlon and me!

I get stuck in a dark pit of despair about teachers that I promise doesn’t actually represent my feelings towards teachers (teachers are great!). If you like what you’re hearing check all of the people interviewed out and go along to Fat Roland’s incredible spoken word night, Bad Language! A monthly night at The Castle Hotel, Oldham Street, Manchester.

Click here for the podcast, share it and let Fats know what you think!

Admit It. (extract)

When I woke up you were still here,
called yourself a considerate thief,
‘it’s best to know who’s looking after your goods’.

I misheard you at first,
you didn’t just look after my good I said,
you’ve taken it. It’s not mine anymore.

I taught myself this for years,
stories of ‘they deserved it’ pulsed round my body.
I felt like a cavern with how much it echoed.

I was taught I was a cavern,
once a crime scene, always a crime scene,
I was broken. I am broken. I will always be broken.

-Alex W. (working title, first draft of a WiP)

We, too, can learn

It’s time I take my addiction by the hands,

I have been strong.

I still can be…

It’s not about draining the life from it,

let’s not fight fire with fire,

it is about balance.
Rivers, let me be one with you,

the lifeblood of our humanity,

I will be water,

boundless, life-saving, free,

I will cascade out of my mindset,

break the banks and flood myself,

I will take out the fire.
Sure, there will be smoke,

but in time this will also clear.

-Alex W. (First draft)