
Hello, I’m Alex. I hope you enjoy looking at my words, thank you for visiting!

I’m a 2 year old Cambridge-born Manchester-residing kinda guy. If you are ever in Manchester look out for the blond guy at spoken word nights with headphones bolted to his neck.

I thought it was time to put my writing out into the big scary world/have somewhere to point people towards when they want to read the words I’ve forced together.

You can find/talk to me here as well::

talk to me: http://www.twitter.com/IDWriting

look at me: http://www.instagram.com/alejandrowebb

hear me: https://soundcloud.com/independencedaywriting

What the heck is a “independencedaywriting”?!                                   Independencedaywriting is a pretentious screen name I came up with before I wanted to put a face to the writing. (I’m born on the 4th July and I’m half American). I decided to keep it because why the eff not??

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